

Up until 2010, Dave Young, the founder of US Fighting Systems devoted all of his time for over 25 years to the training of police, corrections, military, and security professionals — so his work has been largely outside of the media mainstream.

However, due to Dave’s reputation internationally, he frequently gets asked to comment on stories or topics having to do with personal safety and physical defense.

Dave is a veteran of the US Marine Corps, as well as a former corrections and law enforcement officer in the state of Florida. Furthermore, he has served as a control system designer for both military and civilian authorities. Young boasts many credentials, such as the defensive tactics consulting that he has provided for myriad police and correctional agencies, both domestic and internationally.

But it was Young’s experience working as the Director of Training for Mace Security International that garnered him national attention from scores of media outlets. Young’s hands-on method of training was best described by People magazine: “[Getting] a blistering jolt of mace to the face, not to mention being choked, punched and peppered with various projectiles, is all in a day’s work for the burly former Marine.”

“I don’t mind,” Young wrote in his 2004 Esquire article (regarding his seemingly tortuous day job), “because that means I’m saving the lives of law enforcers who may one day save your life.”

Young was the lead in several National Geographic shows titled “Crash Test Human.”

Young developed his personal-safety and self-defense systems for the general public after being appalled by other defense programs, which he found to be impractical, misguided, and – often — downright dangerous. “If students tried [these methods], they would get killed,” he observed.

To address this situation he founded US Fighting Systems (http://www.usfightingsystems.com) in 2010.

Relying on his extraordinary experience and expertise, Young created programs comprised of techniques that are easy to remember, easy to execute, and completely defendable in court.

Young is undeniably an expert in tactical and defensive training. Whether he is working with a seasoned military veteran or a civilian who has never thrown a punch, Young brings unequaled knowledge and experience to all of his work.

Recent Press Releases:

Burning Consequences: New DVDdemonstrates pepper spray decontamination | October 24, 2011

Taekwondo Times: Fighting to Win on the Street and in the Court | November, 2011


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