
Blog - Monthly Archives for November, 2014

Where will you be March 6-8, 2015? I’ll be at KAMA

It is almost that time again for the annual Korean American Martial Arts Association (KAMA) conference. It’s your opportunity to see the new faces in the industry as well as network with the superstars.

Every school owner wants to succeed and they have their own idea of what they need to do. Sometimes, halfway through implementing these ideas they realize it is wrong or could have been done another way.

Come to KAMA in Vegas March 6-8, 2015 and learn how to market yourself in your community, separate yourself from other martial arts schools, grow your business and present your material in the most motivating way.

These lessons can help you to retain your students and even grow your student base!

I will be presenting a series of programs that do all of the above and so much more. Plus enjoy some great networking opportunities. See you there!

-Dave Young

Take the only challenge that matters… Fight Fitness

Fight Fitness is the only complete body workout that prepares you emotionally, conditions you mentally, and challenges you physically in preparing you to win a real world encounter.

No gimmicks, no special clothing required, no false promises and no music. Just show up wearing a mouthpiece and get to work!

Effort + Commitment = Results.

If you do not push your limits in training – then the first time they are being pushed is in a real fight!

This workout will help you understand what YOUR limits are, how to identify YOUR limits and work through them and how to accept your limits giving YOU the ability to do something no other workout can achieve and that is learn how to OWN YOURSELF!

Owning yourself simply means this: “The ability to manage your emotionally safety, strengthen your mental conditioning and develop the patience, pace and power of tousled physically!”

You need to train your mind where your body will need to go!

Any workout can get you in shape if getting in shape means you lose weight, get your body healthy and moving. However Fight Fitness does that and so much more!

So if your definition of a workout is to challenge you, push you past your limits, build real core strength, maximize pure knockdown power, develop hand-eye-feet speed and coordination while also giving you the physical skills to win a real world attack then Fight Fitness is not only what you need but was developed with you in mind.

If you want to learn more about how to take the “Fight Fitness” challenge, contact me and I’ll help you get ready for the physical encounter you hope never occurs and be the person that makes your attacker wish they just stated home that day!

Contact me at usfightingsys@aol.com
Be safe and God bless!

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East Coast Martial Arts….

We just finishing a great day of training and certification with Master Tommy Lee from East Coast martial arts.

We address the implementation of the new US Fighting Systems curriculum that will start January 2015 at both his school locations.

This included identifying the instructor format for the presentation of each of the techniques as well as the sequence and layout of our curriculum.

We also discussed how to structure the basic Real-World self-defense within his current martial arts curriculum as well as a standalone programs for adults self-defense and Fight Fitness.

Thank you for an outstanding day Sir! Tomorrow will be outstanding!


Sun Lee Taekwondo Advanced Certifications



It is always sad to leave a school after our training.

The relationships you develop with the school’s Master and their instructors, seeing where they were when you started, and then and seeing the final skill set when you leave is a rewarding and humbling experience.

I wanted to say THANK YOU. Not only for the hard work, energy, time and effort everyone put in this week but for the warm welcome greetings and kindness you have shown me.

Remember that our students are the most precious treasures and the training we conduct is all about them. Their safety is OUR responsibility, their dignity is our duty and their and performance is one of the highest honors a student can bestow to us.

Don’t break your toys in your classes and remember training is suppose to prepare you for what is about to happen – not for what we HOPE doesn’t occur!

I look forward to our next series of training in April 2015.

Enjoy the coming holidays with your families and God Bless!


Trick or horror!

There is NEVER a need to tell the importance or advertise the need for any safety product as these things happen around the country. No need to make them up that is why we call what we do real world – not the fantasy so many others live in.

I share articles like this for the purpose of waking others up! We discussed these exact situations in our Halloween Safety Tips and Seminars, our Surviving a Home Invasion Series as well as in martial art schools conducting family safety programs around the US.

My heart goes out to this woman and her family. You will never be able to prevent these incidents from happening but you can decide how they end.

Be safe and God Bless.

Article Link: http://nypost.com/2014/11/01/armed-thugs-assault-rob-ny-woman-expecting-trick-or-treaters/