
Blog - Monthly Archives for May, 2014

Woman Awareness Survival Level 1

Great daily review

Outstanding week of training with Master Tommy Lee and his instructor staff!

Kids having fun

Short pushing exercise

US Fighting Systems Black Belt Training with USMAC

Last week I completed another level of certification for US Fighting Systems training with Master Angie Lee and Master Jason Lee from USMAC in Olympia, WA.

And on Saturday May 10, I completed a specialized training program specifically for their Black Belts.

What made this training special was the fact that I shared with them that every time you conduct or attend training it is a SHARED responsibility and should challenge them physically, task them mentally and emotionally desensitize them.

I conduct a very unique Emotional Desensitization Exercise with them that EVERY Black Belt who went through it survived, over came and passed their own test. GREAT JOB to ALL of them!

Click below and take the journey they walked together;

US Fighting SYstems – Fight Fitness Class

Short videos of 1 of the many rounds within our Fight Fight Fitness program conducted this week in Olympia, WA at the US Martial Arts Center with Master Angie Lee and Master Jason Lee. – Great job EVERYONE!

US Fighting Systems – Fight Fitness Class

Short videos of another of the many rounds within our Fight Fight Fitness program conducted this week in Olympia, WA at the US Martial Arts Center with Master Angie Lee and Master Jason Lee. – Great job EVERYONE!

US Fighting Systems Desensitization Exercise

Emotional trauma, mental stress and physical conditioning as extremely important – this is just one of the 30 desensitization to prepare for a real world attack!

Desensitization training exercise

Conducting staff instructor exercises on desensitization with USMAC staff

US Fighting Systems