
Real-World Defensive Tactics Seminar

Be one of 30 martial arts school owners to spend two and a half days training with Dave Young, one of the nations top police and military defensive tactics instructors

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Attend this special event and experience two and half days of REAL-WORLD personal safety and self-defense training from Dave Young, an internationally recognized officer survival and defensive tactics instructor who has been training police and military professionals how to stay safe and defend themselves since 1980.

Dave Young — The Recognized Authority In Personal Safety and Defense

Prior to becoming a professional trainer, Dave gained experience as a police officer, corrections officer and security agent. He’s also a veteran of the United States Marine Corps. Dave has been featured in People Magazine and on CNN, spent three years hosting a television show for National Geographic (Crash Test Human) and is a regular speaker at national self-defense events (National Rifle Association Annual Meeting, US Concealed Carry Association National Conference).

Dave has trained law enforcement and military professionals all over the world, including New York City Police Department, Elite US Military Branches, Federal Nigeria Police Forces, UK Serious Organized Crime Agency and Abu Dhabi Security Forces.

US Fighting Systems — an outlet for Dave’s passion for martial arts

Dave has devoted most of his time over the last 30 plus years to leading the training operations of Arma Training (www.armatraining.com), which prepares public safety professionals to win real-world encounters on the streets (over 50 professional training programs). Then, in 2010, due to Dave’s passion for martial arts, he formed US Fighting Systems so he could spend part of his time training the martial arts community.

Since then a few dozen martial arts school owners have had the opportunity for Dave to come to their schools to deliver his extensive expertise to them, their students, local schools and guests from the local community. Referrals to other school owners have created a demand for Dave’s time that exceeds his availability — thus the decision to offer this special event.

Real-World Defensive Tactics Seminar

During this two and half day training program Dave will cover the gamut on how to survive and win life-or-death encounters.

You’ll learn the strategies, tactics and techniques he’s perfected over the last 30+ years and how to teach his material to your students. Dave’s teachings will revolutionize your self-defense curriculum.

If you’re thinking about attending this event, please understand that Dave’s REAL-WORLD training is far different than traditional defense training.

  • In the REAL-WORLD there are no mats, time limits, weight classes and referees.
  • In the REAL-WORLD, you can’t throw in the towel if things aren’t going well — losing just isn’t an option.
  • In the REAL-WORLD, there are no rules.

Dave’s training is focused on defending your life on the street and defending yourself in court where many encounters end up. In other words, Dave’s training is not for everyone. So, please, don’t sign up unless you are dead serious about learning how to protect yourself in REAL-WORLD encounters.

Required Equipment: Clothing and footwear appropriate for dynamic activity and self-defense instruction and personal protection gear (elbow and knee guards, groin protection, mouthguard)

Check out Last Session’s Agenda Here

Check out Photos from Last Session Here

How To Register For This Life-Changing Workshop

First, if you are considering attending this event, please act fact. We can accommodate only 30 students and the available spots are filling up fast.

As far as price, Dave struggled for this event to make sense financially given the money he earns for his Arma Training programs. If he was to charge his normal fees, it would be unaffordable for most school owners.

Due to his passion for REAL-WORLD personal safety and self-defense training to be incorporated into martial arts school curriculum, he decided to offer this training at a very special price — $997 for the complete two and half day program, with school owners allowed to bring one guest from their school for an additional $197.

This event will be held April 22nd to April 24th. School owners should arrive on Thursday, April 21st and then training will occur according this schedule:

  • Friday, April 22nd — 1 PM to 5 PM
  • Saturday, April 23rd — 7:45 AM to 5:30 PM
  • Sunday, April 24th — 8 AM to 3 PM (please don’t schedule a flight out earlier than 5:00 PM)

Lunch will be provided on Saturday and Sunday and there will be group dinners (self-pay) on Friday and Saturday nights at two of Dave’s favorite local restaurants.

To reserve a spot at this event, just click on an Order Option below.

Reserve Your Spot

Reserve Your Spot w/ Guest

Early Bird Special: Register before February 15th for $200 off your ticket

Note: no recording devices allowed

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