
Blog - Monthly Archives for July, 2015

Dave Young at MPower Summit 2015

Dave Young at MPower Summit 2015
Are you protected or just hopeful? One of my two presentations this year at the EFC MPower Summit 2015 will cover just that. I travel around the world training thousands of police, corrections, military, security and martial art professionals yearly in self defense, defensive tactics, force on force, instructor development, school management and more? What liabilities and concerns as a school owner or instructor should you have? Are you prepared to explain the perceptions, justify your allegations, and ready to defend your investigations? Do you have the proper paperwork, reports, and forms in place to document these events. What policies, procedures safety protocols do you have in place to protect you? Attend my presentation Friday August 14th and get the answers to your questions! See you there! www.usfightingsystems.com


Challenge yourself professionally

If you teach self defense or defensive tactics – you need to be at this seminar! No one gives a guarantee – I did. If you do not learn something new every hour on the hour. I will give you back your money!

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Presenting at the EFC today!

It is always exciting when you’re going to present at any conference. To think that people from around the country are flying into one location to hear you present is overwhelming.

Today I have the opportunity to do just that in front of a group of successful school owners and martial artists from around the world. For me being around like-minded professionals is an honor and a privilege and should make for an exciting week.

To catch up with old friends and to make new ones is always a wonderful opportunity! So if you’re going to be at the EFC this week please come and say “Hi.” If you’re not, I hope to see you there next year!



Shock Knife Intro with Dave Young

Dave Young takes a brief look into the SHOCK Knife. These training tools you need to elevate your training without compromising your safety!

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Master Defender Striking Shield

Dave Young Founder and Director of Arma Training and US Fighting Systems shares a brief look into the new and innovative products of Crown Gym Mats. Gear helps you to elevate your training without compromising the safety of your students or staff!

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The HIM by Crown Gym Mats

Dave Young Founder and Director of Arma Training and US Fighting Systems shares a brief look into the new and innovative products of Crown Gym Mats. Gear helps you to elevate your training without compromising the safety of your students or staff!

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New Safety Simulation Room by Crown Gym

Dave Young Founder and Director of Arma Training and US Fighting Systems shares a brief look into the new and innovative products of Crown Gym Mats. Gear helps you to elevate your training without compromising the safety of your students or staff!

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Great information for school owners


This is Dave Young from the US Fighting Systems program.

I wanted to share some information with you about an upcoming event which I believe would be beneficial for every school owner to attend. It is the 2014 EFC MPower Summit in Washington DC. This event is being held July 30th – August 1st at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center at 201 Waterfront St., National Harbor, MD 20745.

I am very excited and honored to say that I will be presenting two high profile subjects at this year’s event on Wednesday July 30th, which I wanted to tell you about.

The first is: Dynamics of Attacks like it has NEVER been presented before. This is being taught from 1pm – 2:30pm.

The second is: Child Abduction Strategies, which will be taught from 2:30 – 4pm.

I developed these scenarios and have taught these programs to hundreds of high profile families – both civilian and military, including my own – on how to respond to and protect each other in the event that one of these situations occurs.

Below are audio links explaining each of the 2 courses that I will be presenting:

Dynamics of Attacks –


Child Abduction Strategies-


To attend either of these seminars you must be registered to attend the EFC MPower Summit. To find out more about the event or to register, please click on this link: http://www.efcmpower.com/#!register/csa, or you can call 301-654-8677.

If you attend, please make sure to register for my seminars.

Hope to see you in DC!


Dave Young

2014 Beond Conflict Conference

2014 Beond Conflict Conference
I am proud to announce the 2014 Beyond Conflict Conference being held in Louisville, KY November 6-8, 2014. Click on http://beyondconflict2014.com for more information and to register! Hope to see you there!

Attention Healthcare Professionals

If you are a healthcare professional who deals with patients and distressed family members, then this is a class you won’t want to miss!

You own it to yourself to at least read about this program and pass it on to others who do. This is taught by some of the best trainers in the world on this topic and will be covering the best material on the planet!



Local Contacts

Gary Klugiewicz, Course Instructor
Vistelar Group



Joel Lashley, Host
Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin
