
Fight Fitness

Fight Fitness was developed by Dave Young – Dave is the Founder and Director of Arma Training and US Fighting Systems. Dave is a former police and corrections officer and a veteran of the United States Marine Corps who is a nationally recognized police trainer and course developer for certifying officers around the world in officer survival, force of force, counter combative’s strategies and firearm survival tactics. Fight Fitness is a complete self-defense and survival fitness program that combines physical strength, endurance, power development, physical, mentally and emotional conditioning to help find your fight time, strike count and the best combinations that work for you.

Fight Fitness has combined kickboxing, cage fitness, and various other hybrid exercise programs and martial arts physical fitness systems into one complete comprehensive delivery and is the final level in learning how to defend yourself and improve your own physical limitations by combining real world survival skills with a built in self-defense program for every workout.

Our Fight Fitness Program will train you to develop your own survival and fighting profile and learn your own survival time, discover what works for them and what doesn’t in a variety of self-defense scenarios, and most importantly give you the tools to win in life threatening situations.

Take the challenge and teach your students how to take an active role in their own survival program and get incredibly fit at the same time!

Training Programs are built in Levels, ranging from 1-5. Instructors are certified in each level in a four-day training program format. Training is hands on and as well as lecture and demonstration. Trainees will be certified as Instructors by after successfully completing each training program.

Fight Fitness does more than kickboxing or martial arts moves to music as there is NO MUSIC when conducting a fight fitness workout or a special rhythm or beat; it teaches you breathing control and focus and combines real world survival skills that has a built in self-defense program into every workout.

You will know your fight time, you will know what works for you and what doesn’t and you will develop your own survival profile. Take the challenge and know your limits so you can take an active role in your own survival program!

Benefits of Fight Fitness


  • Addresses all Stand up skills
  • Address equal Ground skills
  • Equal focus on hands, elbow, knees, feet
  • Build individual fight time
  • Working within each person physical limitations
  • Emotionally Challenging
  • Mentally tasking
  • Physical demanding
  • Engage cognitive thought and decision process
  • Build a total muscle, and cardio endurance
  • Teaches breathing during the fight
  • Build best combination for every student
  • Address cognitive thinking and provokes tactical decision
  • Create muscle confusion at every station
  • Prepares on for a real world attack in both standing and ground attacks
  • Increases power development
  • Address target selection on threats
  • Develops rapid hand and eye coordination
  • Improve pre-condition responses to threat
  • Simulates a real life attack by minimizing impact to student


  • Emotionally challenging – Pushing limits
  • Mentally tasking – forces memory recall
  • Physically demanding – increases endurance and stamina

Package includes

  • Custom affiliate Fight Fitness website for your Box consisting of:
    • Weekly safety tips
    • Instructor recourse kit with refresher tips on how to teach each level
  • Certification for 10 Instructors
  • Liability protection
  • Field Proven strategies used by thousands of police corrections and military world wide
  • Monthly conferences and webinars on specific Fight Fitness related topics

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