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Special Recognition!


I wanted to give special recognition to Master Jay Lee and his motivating group of Women Awareness Survival Program Instructors

For being the first martial arts school in the country to offer this program.

And to Ms Becky Claubaugh their W.A.S.P. Director and to the rest of their amazing staff from USTC for the outstanding job in releasing our W.A.S.P. to the communities in Colorado Springs!

See everyone Tuesday!




Dave Young at MPower Summit 2015

Dave Young at MPower Summit 2015
Are you protected or just hopeful? One of my two presentations this year at the EFC MPower Summit 2015 will cover just that. I travel around the world training thousands of police, corrections, military, security and martial art professionals yearly in self defense, defensive tactics, force on force, instructor development, school management and more? What liabilities and concerns as a school owner or instructor should you have? Are you prepared to explain the perceptions, justify your allegations, and ready to defend your investigations? Do you have the proper paperwork, reports, and forms in place to document these events. What policies, procedures safety protocols do you have in place to protect you? Attend my presentation Friday August 14th and get the answers to your questions! See you there! www.usfightingsystems.com


Challenge yourself professionally

If you teach self defense or defensive tactics – you need to be at this seminar! No one gives a guarantee – I did. If you do not learn something new every hour on the hour. I will give you back your money!

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Hanmadang 2015 – The place to be for all Martial Artists

Hanmadang 2015 US Open

Team work, communications and dedication are the words I am using to describe the staff, committees, and volunteers who helped organize, coordinate, support and manage this outstanding festival.

The display of camaraderie, between the martial art schools was outstanding, cheering each other on, motivating each other in the mat and the celebration of their performances.

I also want to give a special shout out to ALL OF THE SECURITY VOLUNTEERS!

You assisted with any and all situations and issues that occurred
From being lost, missing, injuries, managing areas, lost and found equipment and so munch more in ensuring that everyone felt emotionally, mentally and physically safe!

Thank you for letting me be a part of it. I look forward to seeing everyone next year.

Stay safe and be blessed!

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Do you know who is teaching your children?

Do you know who is teaching your children?
As many of you are aware, I work with many state and federal government agencies involving force on force situations. When an incident occurs regarding the use of force by law enforcement my email and Facebook messages explode with questions, comments and not so kind remarks. It is no difference when something happens in the martial arts community. When there is an incident, I receive questions, comments and no so kind remarks. The latest questions I have been fielding are about why these martial artists have no required to be certified, or need to go through any screening before being able to work with children. Do you know who is teaching your child? This is a typical scenario that is becoming more and more common around the country. No regulations, no accreditation, no certifications. Just martial artists that owns a school. Most of whom have big hearts, great intentions, and no assistance in hiring, screening or validating their staff. Without the above in place you get this... Read below..... http://www.kimatv.com/news/local/Ex-martial-arts-instructor-enters-Alford-pl ea-on-child-rape-charges-304657641.html?mobile=y So I ask you, who is training your children?


Are you teaching lies or truths?

Are you teaching lies or truths?
Last Monday I received an email from a parent who’s son was taught self-defense (this is becoming more common) from his martial arts instructor a few months ago. Last week her son used what was taught in his self-defense class and this resulted in serous bodily injury to the student and his alleged attacker. During a school assembly her son was approached by another student who has bullied him in the past during their school year (. This bullying consisted of being shoved, spit on and called named) – as this student approached him calling him names again, the martial arts student executed a single leg take down which resulted in fracturing the student’s collar bone, wrist and shoulder and gave a neck line fracture, some broken teeth, sever bruising to his coccyx (tailbone) to the approaching bully. Both students were taken to the hospital and a few days afterward the incident her son the student was released however only a few days ago ( 3 weeks afterwards ) the bully was released and the parents of the student are being sued and just yesterday the martial arts student is being charged with assault and battery. After seeing her lawyer to address the charges since her son attacked the other student without being in harms for a simple legal reason. Wow, should the patents sue the martial arts instructor? What responsibility does the instructor have for their students actions? Is this when the credibility of the instructor, training and certifications come into play? All questions like this are typically answered when the legalities of these actions occur. Many times when this occurs it is either an business ending event or a life changing incident. Defending yourself is based on the fact you are in physical danger, you are either unable to escape, physically injured to defend yourself or feel that your life is in immediate danger and then be able to provide it;. Then the physical response you choose must match the physical threat you are presented with. In their case none of that was present. He wasn’t in immediate danger; he was injured, he was able to escape and he didn’t try to leave – he was the one who advanced. In many self-defense and defensive tactics programs these facts are not part of the training either lack of experience and training from the instructor or the material used is inadequate and without them make the training ineffective. In any case everyone loses. You don’t attack a person because you think you are going to be attacked, or because of past experiences especially if the words being used are not life threatening. Name calling no matter how hurtful, degrading or humiliating they may be alone doesn’t justify a single leg take down. We are not living in any other country but America! That is important to remember. Curriculum without research or references are nothing more than organized ideas. Curriculum with without learning objectives and lesson plans are nothing more than attempts to organize games. Curriculum being taught without field proven facts are accidents just waiting to happen how to find chiropractor in scottsdale. Make sure the curriculum you are using is factual ( not just because you say it but you can prove it in court) practical and proven ( means relevant and field proven) because if it isn’t your not only lying to yourself but selling lies that will eventual get others hurt or killed! For the ones who do not teach self-defense this is a not issue for you but to the ones who do teach self-defense what are your thoughts on this?
