
Benefits of US Fighting Systems

  1. To teach “Field Proven Strategies that are currently being used by thousands of law enforcement corrections and military professionals world wide
  2. To have a program that is based on “Gross Motor Skills Response.”
  3. A program that is tactically sound and field proven
  4. A program that is courtroom defensible by experts
  5. Ability to have a tactical response that is environmentally universal, adaptable to all settings and practical in any situation.
  6. Professional support from experts in the industry for each US Fighting Systems certified school.
  7. Access to our credentialed online course at Vistelar College sponsored by Fayetteville Technical Community College (FTCC), an academic institution accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 1976 (this course must be completed in advance of the in-person training with Dave Young).
  8. FTCC framable certificate that verifies your completion of a college-credentialed course in family safety and self-defense instruction.
  9. Training videos (sent by UPS) on the core certification topics of gun disarming, knife disarming and family defense.
  10. 5 days of intensive training with Dave Young on the core certification topics (held several times a year in various US locations).
  11. A local Defense Expert website for your martial arts school, which positions you as THE personal safety and self-defense expert in your community independent of your martial arts school ownership (see example at: AnyCity.TheDefenseExpert.com).
  12. A local Your Family Safety Academy website for your martial arts school, which positions you as THE family safety and self-defense expert in your community independent of your martial arts school ownership (see example at: AnyCity.YOURFAMILYDEFENSESAFETYACADEMY.com).
  13. Listing on TheDefenseExpert.com, our national website where people can search for a certified Defense Expert school in their area and read articles on family safety and self-defense that link back to your website.
  14. Opportunity to generate additional revenues by selling Your Family Defense products in your community (YourFamilyDefense.com).
  15. Access to an online resource with advanced training videos and comprehensive information on how to use US Fighting Systems to generate media attention, enroll new students and enhance student retention.
  16. Regular conference calls with Dave Young and other certified school owners where the latest and most effective curriculum and marketing ideas are exchanged.
  17. Access to a wide range of Defense Expert marketing materials, such as posters, postcards, advertisements, and media press releases.
  18. Association with a global public relations campaign to promote our network of Defense Expert schools.
  19. Opportunity to get additional US Fighting Systems certifications to expand your curriculum in such topics as ground defense and woman defense.
  20. Establish yourself as the “Community Safety Resource for your communities
  21. Have training material that is referenced and document increasing the credible program material that is appealing to law enforcement, corrections, security and the military.

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