
THANK YOU for listening in.

Technology is a great thing when used to help exchange ideas, gives us the abilities to experience new insight and allows others to share vital information that might be of help to others. As part of our thanks to you, we are offering a special price just for you on our 3 pack DVD: Protecting From and Surviving a Home Invasion.  Normally priced at $27 each, or $57 for the 3 pack, you can all 3 dvds for just $49.99!

Read about it in the newspaper, listen to the events of your local news and then try to imagine what to do when intruder(s) enter your home by force or even worse; you welcomed then into your home willingly.

This is why we developed a series of videos to help STOP, PREVENT, and BE PREPARED for these types of attacks – they are HORRIFIC, EMOTIONALLY DESTROYING and something that will stay with you forever. The holidays are here, you will be out more, shopping, being distracted, and during the regular time of the year have more money on you now and more expensive items in your home than any other time of year….SO WE WANT TO PREPARE YOU FOR THE HOLIDAYS!

Our first video – How to remove your home form the “TOP 10”, easiest homes to get it. Does your home say “HEY, look at me I am easy to get into. IN the beginning stages of a home invasion the area you live in will be scoped out and given a good look over before hand – in most cases. We will teach you how to create a positive visual deterrence with your home starting with helping you identify blond spots and shadows, how to conduct a weekly walk through of your property, what signs to post and what signs NOT TO POST; we will talk about the many things you as a home owners, or renter can do to help reduce and remove yourself from one of the top 10 lists you never want to make….have you ever wondered who could be watching….wouldn’t it be nice to know!

Click here to watch trailer:

Our second video will help cover the inside of your home and how to conduct a safety proofing to make your home safer not only while you relaxing but when intruder(s) enter your home, we will discuss how to make your home not only appear safer but be safer, what will determine a safer place to hide in your home then others, why passwords are important and ensuring every member of your family is briefed on their role PRIOR to a home invasion, we will show you and discuss the best way to even answer your own front door, and why some curtains, blinds, drapes and shutters might be a better option over another, which rooms to possibly defend yourself and when to escape and evacuate your home as a family unit…

Click here to watch trailer:

Our 3rd videos will cover the fact that even the most prepared and aware people in the world will still be attacks; the city, state or residential community, or neighborhood has NO BARING on whether you home gets broken into with or without you there. Without having a plan you plan to fail and failing could cost you your life or the lives of others and you and your family could be confronted with some of the most horrific events could happen to you and your family. We will talk about weapons of opportunity and weapons ability, conventional and unconventional weapons, and some of the training and preparation you need to train with these. I want to discuss what you can do as a family unit to not only stay together during this attack but have the basic and share with you some of the advanced techniques and tactics you will need to help survival this in the best positive way possible, and how to be a great witness when the time comes. Your home is your castle, your most prize possessions are inside, you own it to yourself and your family to at least be prepared!


Click here to watch trailer:

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